Manufactured in the USA with FDA Approved Materials.

Pleated Cartridge Filters:
Conventional DOE and 222 End Cap Stick Cartridge Series Filters 99-99.98% Efficiency (Beta Ratio 100-5000) Holds up to 2# Dirt. These filters have an OD of 2.5", 3", and 3.75" x various lengths.
336 Series Pleated Cartridge Filters 99-99.98% Efficiency (Beta Ratio 100-5000) Holds up to 2.5# Dirt. These filters have an OD of 3" x 36" long.
Platinum 740 Series 226 End Cap Filters (Improved 3MTM 740B Design) 99-99.98% Efficiency (Beta Ratio 100-5000) Holds up to 20# Dirt. These filters are 6.25" OD x various lengths. NSF version available.
to 18# Dirt. These filters are 6.25" OD x various lengths.
Gas Filter Series to Protect Coalescers, Compressors, Gas Turbines, Burners, Fuel Gas Systems
FMT Pipeline Pigging Filters Gas and Liquid Filters from 0.3-100 Micron up to 90" Long. Looks like a Cartridge Filter But Flow Is Inside to Outside.
FMT supplies cartridge filters 10" to 80" long with diameters from 2" to 20". Filters are custom built with most common sizes in stock ready for shipment worldwide. Do you require high temperature materials or do you need to reduce filters change outs because of hazardous chemical exposure? Are you paying too much for name brands filters but require the same quality?

Pleated Bag Filters:

HI-FLOW Bag FMT DPU-600 Series Bag Filters 99.98% Efficiency (Beta Ratio 5000) Flows up To 500 GPM Per Filter. Filters are 6" OD x 3" ID in Various Lengths and Configurations.
FMT Pipeline Pigging Filters Gas and Liquid Filters from 0.3-100 Micron up to 90" Long. Looks like a Cartridge Filter But Flow Is Inside to Outside.
Pleated Bag Filters are designed to fit the following vessels: Rosedale, FSI, 3M, GAF, Knight, Fulflo, Barron, Fil-Trek, FTC, Fulflow, RP, Pleasant, Hayward, Champion Process, Pall, Parker, and Nowata. Upgrade and obtain over 10 times the solids holding capacity. Don't see your bag filter vessel, we will build a filter for you.

Bag Filter Vessel To Cartridge Filter Vessel Conversions
You can convert your bag filter vessel to cartridge filter style with a series of Max-Out Cartridge Filters that are available designed specially for the Max-Out basket. Flow is into the top of Max-Out basket. A flow channel exists between the basket and filter. Flow is into filter and out the center discharge.
Why do this? The Max-Out System allows for high temperature and special medias including metal can body designs that which may be required but most importantly-much higher solids holding (20-40 times) standard bag filter solids holding capacities.

3M®/CUNO® and PallTM Series Replacement Filters:
Replaces Radial Pleat HF Series (0.5µ-135µ) (HF40PP005C01) (HF60PP005C01)
Replace 500 Series 1000 In-Stock Each Micron Size (Model 522-529, 2.5µ-48µ)
Replace 740B 1000 In-Stock Each Micron Size (Model 742-749, 1µ-70µ)
FMT has been retrofitting 3M® and PallTM bag and cartridge filters for over 25 years.

Ronningen Petter (R-P), (RP) Series Cartridge and Bag Filters
Max-Load series RP-720A and C; 740B, D and E Filters for RP 740-D, 740-B, 720-A, 720-C, 720-E, 940-D Vessels
Max-Load series RP-720A and C; 740B, D and E Filters (Contact FMT for Help with Vessel Type and Filter Codes)
RP vessels and filters were manufactured by Eaton Corporation. The vessels and pleated filter series were discontinued. RP vessels currently in service can be supplied by FMT with high capacity filters for both inside-out and outside-in flow designs.

Ceramic Filters
FMT offers two types of ceramic membrane filtration systems, Ceramem® and Kleansep™

This product line of membrane filters and modules are large-diameter monolithic ceramic elements composed mainly of Silicon Carbide. CeraMem membrane filters have provided a robust solution for water and waste water treatment needs across a variety of industries for over 30 years. Used either in dead- end or in crossflow operation, CeraMem membrane filters offer a large membrane area in a compact footprint compatible with a wide range of conditions. Ceramem was acquired by Alsys from Veolia in 2017.
Filtration pore sizes to .005 microns (5 nm) are available. This product line covers the MF Microfiltration (0.1 -10 micron) and UF Ultrafiltration (0.005-0.1 micron). In cross-flow filtration mode these systems offer the user a continuous self-cleaning filtration system.
Oil & Gas, Refining and Petrochemical
Produced water: steam flood, water flood, surface discharge, reinjection, reuse
Completion fluid filtration
Sulfuric Acid filtration for reuse
Workover fluid filtration
Disposal well reinjection
Desalter brine
FPSO slop water
EOR fluids
Oil filtration for oil recovery
Solvent Deasphalting
Vacuum Residual Oil Recovery
Chemical Process Industry
Sodium bicarbonate brine filtration
Chlor-alkali brine filtration
Membrane biological reactors (MBR)
Acid filtration for recycle/reuse
Caustic filtration for recycle/reuse
Oil filtration
Oily Wastewater Treatment
Primary Metals Industry and Metal Finishing
Heavy metals removal
Oil & grease removal
Dewater spent water soluble coolants and rolling oils

Caustic cleaner and degreaser recycle
Oil filtration for recovery
Marine industry
Mining industry
Pulp and paper industry
Disaster relief
The Kleansep product line of membrane filters and modules employ FDA approved materials and are employed for treatment of industrial and domestic waste water, production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, including treatment of animal feed and human food ingredients. Membrane elements are composed of ZrO2, TiO2, or Al2O3.
Microfiltration elements are (0.1 -10 micron), UF Ultrafiltration (8kD-300kD), Nanofiltration (1kD-5kD). Kilodaltons kD or KDa are approximately equal to molecular weight.

Food and beverage industry
Fermentation broth clarification
Wine filtration
Beer filtration
Recovery of valuable components from food waste
Membrane biological reactors
Caustic cleaner recovery
Natural spring water
Biotechnology industry
Fermentation broth clarification 
Nuclear power industry
Skidded pilot units and lab testing are available.

Chlor-Alkali Brine Polishing Filter Systems

Whole House Water Filtration System
Rated: 100,000 Gallons/Month for 12 Months

Wastewater/Produced Water
Dual Particulate And Hydrocarbon Removal Systems-Onshore/Offshore
Further Information? Please Call or E-mail Us
Filtration & Membrane Technology, Inc.•370 Camden Hills W., Montgomery, TX, 77356•Phone: 713-870-1120