"Estimating the Total Cost of Cartridge and Bag Filtration”, Chemical Engineering Magazine
Current Brochure FMT-Brochure
Article "Filters Are Not Created Equal"
Media Coverage:
"Water Re-Use Employed To Reduce Plant Expansion Capital Cost" Update To Chemputers IV Presentation,May 15,2015
"Beta Ratios Explained and Applied To Liquid Filtration", American Filtration Society, November 2010
"Estimating the Total Cost of Cartridge and Bag Filtration”, Chemical Engineering Magazine, October 2009 Cover Story
"Monomer Recovery in Polyolefin Plants Using Membranes-An Update", Presented at the 1999 Petrochemical World Review, Dewitt & Company Incorporated, Houston, TX March 23-25, 1999
"Hydrocarbon Recovery in Polymer Production Using Membrane Technology", Presented at the Hydrocarbon Processing Process Optimization Conference, Houston, TX, March 25, 1998
"Minimize Waste by Managing Process Design", Chemtech, April, 1996
"Fresh Water and Wastewater Minimization", Concepts, Software and Results", Presented at Chemputers IV, Houston, Texas, March 11-13, 1996
"Process Integration-Managing the Design Process to Minimize Waste" Presented at the I&EC Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September, 1995
"OSHA, EPA, and Plant Design" Chemical Engineering Magazine, June 6, 1977
"A Numerical Modeling of the Atmospheric Self-Preserving Size Distribution", 1973 Thesis Required for Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, Cleveland State University, Frank W. Buehner
Fields of Expertise
Environmental-Cryptosporidium & Giardia, Oil Removal, Solids Removal, for Water Run-Off Pre-Disposal Treatment, Disposal Wells, Transformer Oil
Power-Pre-R/O, Boiler Feed Water, Nuclear Fuel Rod Cutting Swarf Filtration, Nuclear Fuel Rod Cleaning Filtration, Cooling Tower Water Treatment, Discharge to Lakes & Streams, Lube Oil Systems, Disposal Wells
Refining-Boiler Feed Water, Amine, Glycol, Scrubbers, Strippers, Catalyst Recovery/Removal, Loading & Unloading, Feed & Product Conditioning, Disposal Wells, Pre-R/O, Water Discharge Oil Removal, Pipeline Pigging, Cooling Towers, Water Re-Use
Petrochemicals-Boiler Feed Water, Chlor-Alkali Brine Treatment, Product Polishing, Tank and Rail Car Loading, Off Spec Batch Cleanup, Acids, Caustics, Solvents, Paint, Dyes, Automotive Coatings, Adhesives, Bio-Diesel, Water Re-Use
Oil/Gas-Drilling-Exploration/Production-Offshore/Onshore-Pipeline Pigging, Completion Fluids, Produced Water, Water Flooding, Workover Fluids, Kill Fluids, Stimulation Fluids, Packer Fluids, Proppant Fines Removal
Food & Pharmaceuticals-Pre-R/O, Boiler Feed Water, Food Oils Removal
Medical-Inlet/Outlet Water Systems, Boiler Feed Water, Dialysis Water Supply, Laboratory Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange Resin Pre-Filtration Water Systems, Cooling Tower Water System Loops
Wineries-Particulates and Water Conditioning Distilleries-Pre-R/O, Boiler Feed Water
Brewers-Trap Filtration, Pre-R/O, Boiler Feed Water
Pulp & Paper-Intake & Discharge Water, Fine Paper Water Loops, Boiler Feed Water Semiconductors-Cooling Loops, Polishing Loops, Wafer Grinding Water Disposal
Selected Projects
Fuels Filtration: Engineered the selection of rental vessel size & type, filter surface area, materials of construction, micron rating, and number of filters required to meet customer feed specifications for over 600,000 gallons of contaminated diesel from six storage tanks required for backup generators for Gainesville Regional Authority, FL
Designed Pre-R/O System to Remove Solids and Flavoring Oils Prior to Membranes Designed to Remove Sugars (BOD Loading) Discharging to City Wastewater System
Engineered the selection of rental vessel size & type, and filter surface area, materials of construction, micron rating, and number of filters required to meet customer product specifications for contaminated gasoline additive for Chevron
Coordinated the selection and design of rubber lined vessels and polishing filter system for Brine Feed Filtration for Chlor-Alkali facilities
Coordinated Lab Testing, Rental Vessels and Absorption/Filtration System for PCB cleanup, Grand Rapids, MI
Engineered Oil Removal System to Separate Hydrocarbons from Storm Water Runoff from Houston Ship Channel Metal Scrap Yard to Meet Discharge Requirements
Coordinated Filtration System for Carbon Fines Removal from Process Water, WI
Engineered Solids Removal System For MDI Production, LA
Design Solids Removal System to Protect Molecular Sieve For UOP
Design Filter and Vessel System Employing Lab Results to Remove Carbon Fines from 50 Weight Motor Oil and Power Steering Fluid for Houston Packager